May 30, 2008

Monkey Boy

Posted in Buggle Bite at 8:55 pm by Momma

Aidan climbs on EVERYTHING.  He has learned how to climb up the bar stools, and on to the counter.  He climbs on the dining chairs on to the table, on to the monitor heater, over the arms of the couch, on his crib railings…the list is endless.

One morning he spotted an old granola bar wrapper on the kitchen table that his Dad-Oh failed to throw away.  He climbed up the chair and on to the table, grabbed the wrapped and chased me down the house screaming at me and thrusting the wrapper my way.  The only problem?  Dad-Oh took the rest of the box of granola bars on the boat with him.  No chewy goodness for Aidan Daidan.  Let me tell you about all the reasons that Nutrigrain Bars ARE.NOT.THE.SAME!!!  Yeah, I was cussing the Dad-Oh for that one!

He loved climbing on the couch arm and hoping on to the glass on the end table in the sun room.  Since the two walls behind him are all windows and since glass probably isn’t the best material to climb on I took the glass top off and hid it under the couch.  Jokes on me, however because this has not stopped the climbing.  Now instead of a glass pedestal to climb on he has a scaffolding of sorts.  He cliff hangs off the side of the couch and uses the end table stand as his ladder up and down.  There is no stopping this kid.  He does relatively good, no major booboos yet, it only takes once I suppose….

PS Deeder’s a big brother!  Baby Carly Annalise is here!

May 28, 2008

True to My Word

Posted in Buggle Bite at 8:13 pm by Momma

I have posted several baby Kenzie pictures on Carly’s website. She is so darn cute, ALMOST makes me want to have another! ALMOST!!! Now I have the perfect scenario, I can get my infant fix loving and cuddling on her, then send her back to her Mommy when she cries and needs the bee-boo at 2 am! Kinda like Grandma’s! It really is a good gig!

Okay, I suppose I should talk about MY kid, huh? He had a fun day today. We had a morning play date at Isabel’s house. She and Aidan have the exact same hair and eye color. They look like they could be related!  She is getting the hang of walking now and was trying to keep up with Aidan, but every time she finally got to where he was, he had decided he was done being there and off he went! I should have brought my camera!

After I got home from work Aidan and I had some fun outside on the swing set. I swear that kid would be perfectly content if I left him in there all day. I suppose he’d probably like a snack or two every so often and maybe a swing of water, but other than that he’d be pleased as pie to sit on his rump and swing all day. I gotta teach that kid to pump!

One more day of work, then my four day weekend!! I can’t even wait! I so wish I had a summer break!!!

May 27, 2008

Carly Jo’s Big News

Posted in Buggle Bite at 7:25 pm by Momma

Today at 8:43 am Carly Jo became a big sister.  Miss Kenzie Joy has made her grand entrance into the world.  She weighs 9 pounds 4 ounces.  Nope, no typo….she’s really NINE pounds!  21 inches long and has bright blue eyes.  It doesn’t look like she’ll be a red head like her sister.  What very little hair she has is dark brown and curly.

I visited this morning and I had fully intended on taking pictures and video for the site but I had a total blonde moment and forgot my camera.  When I went back this afternoon they were both busy.  So alas pictures will have to wait until tomorrow.  😦

Mommy and baby are doing well, just in need of some serious rest!  Congrats Shuler family!  We couldn’t be happier!

May 25, 2008

Coming Back From The Dead

Posted in Buggle Bite at 12:02 pm by Momma

I am sloooowly coming back from the dead.  Dad-Oh so lovingly shared his funk-a-roo with me.  Never in my life have I had a more painful cough.  I am hoping we are both over the worst and so far Aidan-Daidan has seemed to dodge the cooties!  I am keeping my fingers crossed!

Yesterday I was battling a 102 fever, but since it was absolutely GORGEOUS out I mustered up every ounce of energy I had to take Aidan to the park.  We took a stroller ride through Totem Park, where he had a blast playing in the grass with sea shells.  Then we went and got an ice cream cone and sat on a bench and gobbled it up.  My throat was burning like a thousand suns!  Then we headed down to Harbor Park for some swing action.  We were out for over three hours!  If that doesn’t get me some kind of award I don’t know what will!

I am still not 100% so since Aidan is napping I am going to take advantage of this time to rest too!

May 21, 2008

“Trudge, Trudge, Trudge!!!”

Posted in Buggle Bite at 7:29 pm by Momma

Quick and to the point.  I am tired.  I am going to bed.  Aidan seems to be on the mend.  PLEASE!!!  However, apparently when it rains it pours and now Dad-Oh has some major funk-a-roo.  Influenza?  Ebola?  Ewok?  Who knows?  He was up all night last night with the hot/colds.  On top of his major chunky cough.  I have him drinking tons of fluid and alternating between Tylenol and Motrin to try to break his fever.  If you’re keeping track…currently I am the only member of this household not poppin’ pain meds–YET!

I have one more day of work, then my three day weekend.  Unfortunately we are in session and I have to work Memorial Day!  *Humpt*  But I get the following Monday off as an alternate.  So I have a four day weekend to keeping me trudging along….

I am hoping my new BFF Ty-Lenol will keep my boys in dreamland through out the night!

May 20, 2008

Running From Bedtime

Posted in toddler, Wordless Wednesday at 7:49 pm by Momma

Wordless Wednesday!

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